We acknowledge and thank our Funding Bodies

Wollongong City Council (WCC)

Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ)

Department of Social Services

BlueScopeWin Community Partners

NSW HEALTH Illawarra Shoalhaven Health Districts

Community Impact 2022



Young people have been supported through our programs


Participants are from culturally & linguistically diverse backgrounds


Our programs & resources are specially designed for diverse youth

Make a donation.

As a not-for-profit organisation, we rely on government funding, partnerships and support from the community to support our programs and activities

Your support makes a big difference to the lives of vulnerable young people in our community, by increasing our resources so we are able to offer more to young people in need. Thank you for your wonderful generosity, it is much appreciated!

If you wish to make a donation, please click the button below or get in touch with the team.


“I like attending PKYP programs because I get to meet new and exciting people, as well as talk about my health and wellbeing. We also get to talk about the different programs that we can possibly do for our communities and the people in it.” – Participant

“This was an amazing experience, and I am glad I was asked to participate. Thanks to these programs, I have learnt new skills and abilities.”

“As a young person, Port Kembla Youth Project gave me a sense of independence and accomplishment. I love that my daughter attends programs at PKYP and I hope she collects as many good memories as I did. Congratulations for 40 years of service!”

“I like chance to ask questions and learning at lot of things. I feel excited I make new friends. I learn where to help.”